Frequently Asked Questions

"What you might want to know"

When & Where Can I Purchase A BE Planner?

All BE Planners are available for preorder CLICK HERE on October 15, 2024. To receive notifications when the preorder goes live, click Notify Me On Launch. You can also join our email list to see all planner updates, information & get free downloads.

How Much Will The BE Planner Cost? 

The standard retail price for the BE Planners is $65.99, with a special launch price of $49.99.

What is KickStarter and does it cost to sign up?

Kickstarter is free to sign up. It is a verified platform that has operated for years allowing creators to start their business by placing their projects on their website for a limited time sale to fund the cost of the mass order. Kickstarter is different from a presale because if the goal amount of purchases is not met then the project is not funded and no one is charged. I repeat you will not be charged if the goal # is not met. The goal amount of planners sold needed for mass production is 500 due to the cost it will take to produce these high quality planners, but no worries I believe God is going to honor my step of faith and yours and we will meet the goal.Don't miss out quantities will be limitedafter presale so prepare your coins to receive your planner!!